Dealing with Emotions! - Dr. Mark Hyman

Dealing with Emotions!

After reading about day 5’s topic, Listen, I realized what I was experiencing was totally normal!

I felt sad and stressed.  I picked apart everything about myself. I questioned my reasons behind doing the 10-day detox. I told myself, I just need one candy bar, because I had a long day.

Then, DING! A light bulb went off in my head! I needed to take a breath, a bath and a nap! I needed a mental awakening. I needed to get in touch with myself!

I started listening to my feelings, and letting them flow all around me, instead of masking them with food. I had done that for too long. Instead of emotionally eating when I was upset, I was going to work through the stress and sadness, and really figure out why, I was feeling that way. Why was I sad? Why was I stressed?  What could I do to fix them?

The technique of learning to deal with raw emotions, instead of eating them, was an eye opening experience that I needed.

Wishing you health and happiness,
Mark Hyman, MD
Mark Hyman, MD


Kristin Stallman

Kristin (24) is the oldest child in the Stallman family. She is married to Daniel and they have an adorable young son, Bentley. Kristin also volunteers at their Church and is a leader in Girl Scouts. Kristin is a spunky, fun loving person. Kristin enjoys horseback riding, fishing, singing and music. Kristin’s hobbies are: paper quilling, crafting and reading. Kristin wants to get healthy so she has the energy to be a mom to Bentley as well as boost her fertility for a future baby. Birthday: October 13 Starting Weight: 242 lb

If you are looking for personalized medical support, we highly recommend contacting Dr. Hyman’s UltraWellness Center in Lenox, Massachusetts today.

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