Is Meat As Bad As We Think: Breaking Down Nutrition Myths

Episode 67 1h 16m
Topics Overview


When it comes to looking at studies on nutrition, we need to ask the right questions. What type of study is it? Who funded it? What kinds of variables were and weren’t accounted for? And so much more.

There is a lot of information out there to sort through in order to truly understand what the science says about diet and health. One of the most important things to remember, that is often taken out of context in the nutritional studies shared by the media, is that correlation does not equal causation.

Part of being a Functional Medicine doctor is staying up to date with the latest research from sources I know and trust, and there’s no one better to break down the science than today’s guest on The Doctor’s Farmacy, Chris Kresser.

Chris Kresser M.S., L.Ac is the co-director of the California Center for Functional Medicine, founder of Kresser Institute, creator of, and the New York Times bestselling author of The Paleo Cure and Unconventional Medicine. He is one of the most respected clinicians and educators in the fields of Functional Medicine and ancestral health and has trained over 1,500 clinicians and health coaches in his unique approach.

I hope you’ll join me for this fascinating episode with my good friend and colleague Chris Kresser.

PS – To learn more about Chris’s ADAPT Health Coach Training Program, click here.

Topics Covered

  • Why nutritional studies cause so much confusion

    (1:41 - 3:21)

  • The need to focus on food quality vs. food quantity

    (15:21 - 17:01)

  • Is there a lifespan difference between vegetarians and meat eaters?

    (16:49 - 18:29)

  • Chris’ analysis of why eating meat is good for you

    (18:50 - 21:10)

  • which can be found at

    (18:50 - 21:10)

  • Feedlot vs. grass-fed meat

    (24:15 - 25:55)

  • Foods with the highest nutrient density

    (26:55 - 28:35)

  • Bioavailability

    (32:30 - 34:10)

  • vegan diets

    (32:30 - 34:10)

  • and regenerative agriculture

    (32:30 - 34:10)

  • How Chris got into Functional Medicine

    (39:50 - 41:30)

  • The origins of Chris’ ADAPT Health Coach Training Program

    (43:56 - 45:34)

  • The key to creating behavior change

    (53:00 - 54:40)

  • What changes would Chris like to see to improve the health of our nation and world

    (1:07:40 - 1:09:20)

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Ep. 67 - Is Meat As Bad As We Think: Breaking Down Nutrition Myths