Based on Dr. Hyman’s best-selling book “Food Fix” – an exposé of the systemic challenges America faces around its food industry – Dr. Hyman created the Food Fix Campaign to effectuate real changes in the food industry – from farm to fork.
The Food Fix Campaign is a 501c3 non-profit that is building transformative change by educating, advocating, and emphasizing the chronic disease crisis to our country’s leaders.

Dr. Hyman and the campaign team are raising awareness about the dangers of our modern diet, building bipartisan consensus for lasting change and providing guidance on public policies to improve our nation’s health, environment, and the economy. By reimagining how we produce and consume food, incentivizing regenerative organic agriculture, and implementing Food Is Medicine initiatives, we are advancing much-needed solutions, from farm to fork.

  • Educating Transformational Change

    The nonprofit companion to Food Fix, the Food Fix Campaign is an education and advocacy initiative for solutions to our nation’s food system, particularly for disadvantaged citizens and communities.

  • Innovative Reforms for a Healthier Future

    This innovative education and advocacy campaign is expanding awareness about how new processes in the fields of food, medicine, regenerative organic agriculture, and soil health can build a healthier future for all Americans.

  • Producing Real Results

    Since launching the Food Fix Campaign, Dr. Hyman has achieved important progress, including contributing to the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health and influencing meaningful food policy

Food Fix: changing the way our nation sees food.

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