Unlocking the Secrets to Longevity: Sharing Insights into My Daily Diet, Fitness, and Lifestyle Routines - Dr. Mark Hyman

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Episode 885
The Doctor's Farmacy

Unlocking the Secrets to Longevity: Sharing Insights into My Daily Diet, Fitness, and Lifestyle Routines

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I’m turning 65 this year and feel younger, fitter, and more vibrant than ever. Thanks to my longevity routine, I’ve been able to reverse my biological age by 20 years, plus an additional year in the past five months alone!

As I grow older, I’ve learned that what’s possible when we nourish our bodies, get regular exercise, quality sleep, and manage our stress – we can effectively turn back our biological clock. Add a supplement stack and hormetic stressors to activate our longevity switches, and you’re setting a solid foundation for lasting health. So, how does someone in their 60s build muscle and sport abs that could rival their younger selves?

In today’s Health Bites episode, I’m sharing the exclusive details behind my longevity routine that anyone can try on their journey towards a healthier, longer life. Whether you want to sharpen your mind, enhance your physique, or simply feel younger, this episode is for you. Remember, it’s not just about adding years to your life, but life to your years.

This episode is brought to you by Timeline Nutrition and Cymbiotika.

Support essential mitochondrial health and save 10% on Mitopure. Visit TimelineNutrition.com/Drhyman and use code DRHYMAN10.

Upgrade your supplement routine with Cymbiotika. Get 20% off with free shipping on all orders. Head to Cymbiotika.com and use code HYMAN.

I hope you enjoyed this conversation as much as I did. Wishing you health and happiness,
Mark Hyman, MD
Mark Hyman, MD

In this episode, you will learn:

  1. My morning routine for longevity
  2. How I get the benefits of exercise in minimal time
  3. A look at the ingredients in my Healthy Aging Shake
  4. What I eat in a day (lunch and dinner) to support longevity
  5. The role of dietary protein for longevity and how much to eat every day
  6. How to activate your longevity switches using the power of hormesis
  7. Top tips for active relaxation and rejuvenation
  8. My nightly routine for sleep optimization
  9. The supplement I take for optimal health and longevity
  10. Why lab testing is crucial for longevity and optimal health
  11. Personal experience and experimentation with advanced longevity therapeutics

Show Notes

  1. Sign up for Function Health The first-ever membership that includes the cost of 100+ lab tests—comprehensive across heart, thyroid, hormones, metabolic, toxins, nutrients, autoimmunity, and more. Robust results turn into actionable insights from top doctors—just $499 annually.
  2. Nucalm Bianural Beats
  3. Evidence-Based Recommendations for Optimal Dietary Protein Intake in Older People: A Position Paper From the PROT-AGE Study Group
  4. Pegan Diet Book
  5. Young Forever Book
  6. The Good Type Of Stress: Hormesis (Episode 673)

If you are looking for personalized medical support, we highly recommend contacting Dr. Hyman’s UltraWellness Center in Lenox, Massachusetts today.

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