The Harmful Effects of Glyphosate, The Most Common Agrochemical

Episode 128 1h 7m


We’re living in an age where it’s increasingly hard to avoid exposure to toxins. Some of the most ubiquitous are right on our food, on some of the most commonly eaten items in the American diet. It’s no wonder that illnesses related to toxicity, like cancer, infertility, and neurological diseases, are on the rise. The most widely used pesticide in our food supply is glyphosate. It’s used all over the world on more than 70 different food crops, including corn, soy, and wheat and is linked to some serious health risks, including non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. It’s terrifying to consider that a bowl of Cheerios has more glyphosate per serving than vitamins D and B12, both of which are added to try to boost nutritional value. We need to change our food system if we want to change our health, and it’s issues like these that need our help.

I was so happy to sit down with my good friend Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to dig into the topic of glyphosate and corruption in the agricultural industry. We dive into our conversation by discussing the many problems with glyphosate and how we came to be so reliant on it. The argument that we need GMO crops and pesticides like this to feed the world has been scientifically invalidated—it’s been demonstrated all over the world that yields are no worse and even better without glyphosate and soils stay healthier with a greater capacity to capture carbon.

Bobby and I also talk about the deep corruption that puts corporate interest over environmental and public health. Companies like Monsanto (now owned by Bayer, who produces glyphosate), have people inside the government, working for the EPA, to push policy in their favor. Sadly, this has become an industry standard. We discuss some of the landmark cases for those who’ve suffered health problems due to glyphosate exposure and what the future looks like for fighting the use of toxins like this in our food supply.


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Topics Covered

  • How glyphosate is used, its prevalence, any why it’s so bad for us

    (2:34 - 6:03)

  • Monsanto, Rachel Carson, and the chemical industry’s efforts to quash dissent of its products

    (5:32 - 9:01)

  • Monsanto’s introduction of Roundup ready corn and patented seeds

    (14:56 - 18:25)

  • The incidence of spraying Roundup on crops at time of harvest and how that coincides with the rise of gluten allergies, celiac disease, and other illnesses

    (18:30 - 21:59)

  • How the Daubert standard kept a legal suit from being filed against Monsanto until 2015

    (20:24 - 23:53)

  • Dewayne Johnson v. Monsanto Company, the first case brought against Monsanto for toxic effects of Roundup

    (29:59 - 32:11)

  • Glyphosate’s toxic effects on the human and soil microbiome

    (39:21 - 41:33)

  • The Environmental Protection Agency’s relationship and support of Monsanto

    (42:00 - 44:12)

  • Halting the free fall of our democracy into plutocracy

    (53:03 - 55:15)

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Ep. 128 - The Harmful Effects of Glyphosate, The Most Common Agrochemical