Why Big Food Should Be Afraid of You!

Episode 56 51m
Topics Overview


I recently spent four hours at the Nestle headquarters in Cleveland.

This might surprise you, and I have to say the experience surprised me, too.

So many people within the company were genuinely interested in making a change to our food and taking action against climate change. I used to think we should just get rid of any company related to Big Food, but now I see that instead, we can engage with them to elicit bigger and better changes.

We are all human first, after all, and connection can help us create the right systemic shifts.

This week on The Doctor’s Farmacy, I was joined by visionary Vishen Lakhiani to talk about the role of education in creating transformation.

Vishen is the founder of Mindvalley University, a former computer engineer, and is noted for his ability to integrate information across the field of human transformation into unified models. His book, The Code of the Extraordinary Mind was a New York Times bestseller and hit the coveted number one spot on Amazon five times in 2017. Vishen also founded A-Fest, the transformational festival described as the “TED meets Coachella” of the industry, which is actually where I met my wife Mia.

Vishen has had an extremely interesting path to get where he is today. Unsurprisingly, food and health were a part of it.

You don’t want to miss this inspiring episode of The Doctor’s Farmacy; it’s never too late to learn how to be your best self.

Topics Covered

  • Mindvalley’s mission and the five pillars of society it is seeking to transform


  • Why Vishen created a video (which went viral) calling out Nestlé’s purportedly healthy drink product, Milo, and Nestlé’s response to it


  • How social media democratizes information and can influence change in big food companies and corporations


  • Big food’s legacy of unintended consequences


  • How having a vision for your life enables you to combat the bombardment of advertisements directed at us all


  • Creating change by sharing our stories


  • Consciousness engineering and how to apply it to your own life


  • Why Vishen created A-Fest


  • The top 3 most impactful things Vishen has incorporated into his own life


  • How a greater understanding of the concept of unity can improve our world


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Ep. 56 - Why Big Food Should Be Afraid of You!