Do you dream big enough for your life?

Episode 59 58m
Topics Overview


“We don’t have any control over the cards we’re dealt, but we do have control over how we play them.” – Jon Butcher

Part of playing those cards right is believing we can have everything we want and figuring out exactly what it takes to get there.

This week on The Doctor’s Farmacy, Jon and Missy Butcher sit down with me to talk about their program Lifebook, that helps others do just that. And it really works! I’ve personally gone through their system to bring my own vision of a happy life to fruition and upend limiting beliefs and it’s changed my life in unbelievable ways.

Jon and Missy are artist-entrepreneurs whose life together revolves around their amazing relationship, family, and work. Together, they have founded over a dozen companies, all organized around causes that matter. Their purpose and mission is to create the highest possible quality of life they can for themselves and the people they love while helping others around the world to do the same.

Lifebook was born out of an extreme need for Jon to find balance and wellness in his life. He and Missy share how his intense job, bad habits, and lack of self-care led to ongoing panic attacks which began to take over their quality of life. By dialing into the exact components of life that mattered most and with the love of his life Missy’s support, Jon was able to discover a completely new level of health and happiness.

Now, Jon and Missy spend their lives teaching others that it’s possible to turn your dreams into reality.

It’s never too late to point your life in a new direction, be sure to tune in.

PS – To learn more and enroll in Lifebook Online, please visit

Topics Covered

  • How Jon’s nervous breakdown lead to the creation of Lifebook


  • Why it is important to create a life vision


  • The life categories Lifebook focuses on how Jon and Missy chose to order them


  • The 4 questions the Lifebook process takes you through to ask about each category


  • Identifying and eliminating self-limiting beliefs


  • The magic power of gratefulness


  • My own experience going through the Lifebook course


  • The structure Jon and Missy put in place to protect and honor their relationship with each other and their family


  • The power of having a life vision as a couple


  • Lifebook’s online course


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Ep. 59 - Do you dream big enough for your life?