What Causes Inflammation And How Can You Treat It?

Episode 614 20m


Hidden inflammation is at the root of all chronic illness—conditions like heart disease, obesity, diabetes, dementia, depression, cancer, and even autism. So if inflammation is at the root of most modern diseases, how do we find the causes and get the body back in balance? First, we need to identify the triggers and causes of inflammation. Then we need to help reset the body’s natural immune balance by providing the right conditions for it to thrive.

In today’s episode of my series I’m calling Health Bites, I am talking about inflammation, how it’s linked to everything from obesity to all of the chronic diseases of aging, and how to combat it.


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Automatically generated. Please forgive any typos or errors in the following transcript. It was generated by a third party and has not been subsequently reviewed by our team.

Narrator: Coming up on this episode of The Doctor's Pharmacy. Dr. Mark Hyman: Inflammation isn't just there randomly, it's there because there's something causing it. So what are the causes and drivers of inflammation? Well, basically, number one, two, and three is diet. And guess what? The number one, two and three in diet thing is sugar, sugar, sugar. Hi everyone, it's Dr. Mark Hyman. Welcome to The Doctor's Pharmacy, a place for conversations that matter. And today I'm bringing you a new feature of the doctor's pharmacy called Health Bites, little nuggets of health information to improve your health by taking small steps daily to lead to significant changes over time. And today we're talking about one of my favorite subjects, inflammation and how it's linked to everything from..

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Ep. 614 - What Causes Inflammation And How Can You Treat It?