How To Eat Well For Less Money

Episode 777 23m


The food industry wants us to believe that cooking is difficult, time-consuming, inconvenient, and expensive. And knowing we all have busy lives, fast food manufacturers and grocers lure us into convenient, heavily processed meals that take a toll on our waistline, our overall health, and, believe it or not, our budget. Today, over 50 percent of meals are consumed outside the home. We’ve raised several generations of Americans who don’t know how to cook. And it’s killing us.

In today’s episode of my series I’m calling Health Bites, I discuss how to reconnect with your kitchen and just how inexpensive eating healthy and preparing your own food can be.


This episode is brought to you by Rupa Health, Joovy, and Super Simple Grassfed Protein. The Dr. Hyman Show works with a select group of sponsors to allow for ongoing production and allow it to be zero-cost to anyone who wishes to listen to and watch the podcast.

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Ep. 777 - How To Eat Well For Less Money