Burned Out? How To Reset Your Life And Health

Episode 779 1h 8m


Most of us are faced with endless pressures of work and family and a relentless barrage of tasks, to-dos, and requests, all while trying to manage our health, nutrition, and sleep.

It’s easy to become overwhelmed, exhausted, anxious, and burnt out. Feeling like crap has become pervasive in our society. In fact, in 2019, the World Health Organization added “burnout” as a diagnosable medical condition.

Today on The Doctor’s Farmacy, I’m excited to talk to Dr. Neha Sangwan about how to recover from any stage of burnout and build a life founded on a healthy body, mind, and spirit.

Dr. Sangwan and I kick our conversation off by talking about what exactly burnout is and what the primary causes are. Modern life is keeping most of us in a state of chronic stress activation, which puts our bodies in an ongoing state of survival mode—setting the stage for burnout. But burnout is not merely the result of working too hard or feeling physically exhausted for an extended period of time, and it isn’t a personal failure.

Each of us has a unique internal navigation system that integrates data from our body, mind, heart, relationships, and spirit. Dr. Sangwan explains how we can use these five energy levels to identify where we are at risk for burnout, and she offers practical tools for restoring physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual energy.

We also talk about the mind traps that drain our energy—perfectionism, judgment, control, blame, and comparison—and how to overcome them.

Dr. Sangwan and I discuss the relationship between boundaries and burnout, the difference between rigid and porous boundaries, and how we can create healthy boundaries that honor our priorities and strengthen our relationships.

This episode is full of so many helpful tips on assessing the impact of stress in your own life and taking a proactive mind-body approach to offset its negative effects. I hope you’ll tune in.


This episode is brought to you by Rupa Health, Pendulum, , and Levels. The Dr. Hyman Show works with a select group of sponsors to allow for ongoing production and allow it to be zero-cost to anyone who wishes to listen to and watch the podcast.

Topics Covered

  • Defining burnout and what causes it


  • Three levels of burnout


  • Exercises to asses areas of burnout in your life


  • My personal experience with burnout


  • Recovering from burnout


  • Getting out of acute burnout


  • Setting healthy boundaries to prevent and recover from burnout


  • Overcoming mind traps that keep us stuck in burnout


  • How Dr. Sangwan stays fully charged and avoids burnout


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Resources Mentioned

Host & Guests


Automatically generated. Please forgive any typos or errors in the following transcript. It was generated by a third party and has not been subsequently reviewed by our team.

Introduction: Coming up on this episode of the Doctor's Pharmacy,

Dr. Neha Sangwan: Your heart racing stomach, turning muscles tightening, sweating. Everybody has a unique language that their body communicates with them in the job is we have to decipher it.

Dr. Mark Hyman: Welcome to the Doctor's Pharmacy. I'm Dr. Mark Hyman, that's pharmacy with have a place for conversations that matter. And if you've ever felt burned out in your life and promise you I have in many ways, many times in my life, this is going to be a conversation I think you're going to enjoy because it's with someone who's spent her life focusing on how we heal from stress and burnout. It's Dr. Neha Swan, who is a good..

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Ep. 779 - Burned Out? How To Reset Your Life And Health