Are Your Genes Making You Fat and Sick?

Episode 791 24m


You may be surprised to learn that your lifestyle and food choices are much better indicators of your health and weight than your genes. While it is true that some genes can predispose you to obesity, type 2 diabetes, or heart disease, predisposition is not predestination. In fact, 90 percent of our current health is controlled by the environment in which we bathe our genes—the food we eat, our exercise regimen, our resilience in the face of stress, and our exposure to environmental toxins.

In today’s episode of my series I’m calling Health Bites, I talk about how your diet and lifestyle influence your genes and my top strategies for weight loss and optimal health.


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Automatically generated. Please forgive any typos or errors in the following transcript. It was generated by a third party and has not been subsequently reviewed by our team.

Narrator(00:00): Coming up on this episode of the Doctor's Pharmacy. Dr. Mark Hyman (00:03): Your genes, like I said, do play a role, but they don't determine your destiny regardless of what your genes are and other health. Everybody can start with these strategies. (00:14): Welcome to the Doctor's Pharmacy. I'm Dr. Mark Hyman, that's pharmacy with Apple Place for conversations that matter. And then I bring you a health bite to improve your health because taking little steps every day can make big changes in your health over time. So today we're going to talk about genetics. One of my favorite topics, and I think all of us maybe think we know about genes, but most of us don't realize actually how our genes work. And today we're going..

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Ep. 791 - Are Your Genes Making You Fat and Sick?