Is Gluten-Free A Fad Or Is Gluten A Real Threat To Our Health?

Episode 32


We are all aware that “gluten-free” has become a major buzz term. Supermarket aisles are now lined with gluten-free foods and restaurants are now catering to gluten-free diners. So how did gluten come to receive so much attention? Are people with celiac disease the only ones who should be on a gluten-free diet? And how do you know if gluten is making you sick?

In this episode, Dr. Hyman sits down with Maggie Ward to discuss why gluten sensitivity exists on a spectrum and how to determine if it is a threat to your health. They also share specific patient cases they have treated related to gluten sensitivity.

Maggie Ward, MS, RD, LDN, is the Nutrition Director at The UltraWellness Center. Maggie holds a master’s degree in Nutrition from Bastyr University which focuses on using whole foods for holistic Nutrition Therapy. In addition, she completed her requirements to become a registered dietitian at Westchester Medical Center in NY. Prior to joining The UltraWellness Center team in 2008, Maggie worked at The Brooklyn Hospital Center in New York providing nutrition counseling to children and families dealing with HIV. She also taught at the Jewish Community Center in Manhattan and other sites throughout New York City, teaching nutritionally focused cooking classes for children and adults. Much of her focus is on food allergies, digestive disorders, inflammatory conditions, Pediatrics and Sports Nutrition. Maggie has been counseling individuals, families, and business groups on therapeutic diets to address various health concerns for more than 15 years. Her ongoing clinical training through the Institute for Functional Medicine uses a systems biology approach when working with those who suffer from chronic and acute conditions to help them find their path to healing. She has a passion for cooking and reconnecting people with their potential to heal using whole, organic and local foods.

This episode is sponsored by Bioptimizers and Dr. Hyman’s Sleep Master Course.

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In this modern world we place too much value on staying busy and deprioritizing sleep, which is why Dr. Hyman created his first-ever Master Class. It guides you through the most important steps to getting better sleep, starting today. Get free access to Dr. Hyman’s Sleep Master Class at

In this episode, Dr. Hyman and Maggie discuss:

  • What is gluten? And why is gluten sensitivity and intolerance suddenly so prevalent?
  • Testing for gluten sensitivity and intolerance
  • How gluten sensitivity can be triggered by a stressful event
  • The link between gluten sensitivity or celiac disease and other chronic disease, conditions, and autoimmune issues
  • Patient cases Dr. Hyman and Maggie Ward have treated involving gluten sensitivity
  • For more information visit

Resources Mentioned

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Maggie Ward:
There is a gluten sensitivity spectrum out there and many of us fall somewhere on the spectrum. Most of the folks that come to see us, I think fall on the end of the spectrum where it may not be celiac. We can't really determine that, based off the tests that we've done, but they have to pretty much treat themselves as if.

Dr. Mark Hyman:
Welcome to the Doctor's Farmacy. I'm Dr. Mark Hyman and that's Farmacy, F-A-R-M-A-C-Y. And this today is a special episode of the Doctor's Farmacy called House-call with none other than my Nutrition Director at the UltraWellness Center, Maggie Ward. Now, this is a place for conversations that matter. And if you are confused about gluten, if..

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Ep. 32 - Is Gluten-Free A Fad Or Is Gluten A Real Threat To Our Health?