The Functional Medicine Approach To Cancer and Cancer Recurrence with Dr. Elizabeth Boham

Episode 4 32m


Numerous things can contribute to cancer development and cancer recurrence. Studies show diet, exercise, thoughts, feelings, and environmental toxins all influence the initiation, growth, and progression of cancer. And when it comes to treating cancer, we are good at cutting it, burning it, and poisoning it with surgery, radiation, and drugs, but many doctors fail to treat the root cause of the cancer. Functional Medicine empowers patients and practitioners to achieve the highest expression of health by working collaboratively to address the root causes of disease. For example, a Functional Medicine practitioner might say that yes, we still need radiation and other conventional approaches, but what else can we do? In this mini-episode, Dr. Hyman is joined by Dr. Elizabeth Boham to discuss the Functional Medicine approach to cancer and cancer recurrence prevention. Dr. Boham shares patient cases as well as her own experience with a breast cancer diagnosis. Elizabeth Boham is a physician and nutritionist who practices functional medicine at The UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA. Through her practice and lecturing she has helped thousands of people achieve their goals of optimum health and wellness. She witnesses the power of nutrition every day in her practice and is committed to training other physicians to utilize nutrition in healing. Dr. Boham has contributed to many articles and wrote the latest chapter on Obesity for the Rankel Textbook of Family Medicine. She is part of the faculty of the Institute for Functional Medicine and has been featured on the Dr. Oz show and in a variety of publications and media including Huffington Post, The Chalkboard Magazine, and Experience Life. Her DVD Breast Wellness: Tools to Prevent and Heal from Breast Cancer explores the functional medicine approach to keeping your breasts and whole body well. In this episode, Dr. Hyman and Dr. Boham discuss:
  • Dr. Boham’s personal experience as a breast cancer patient and how it led her to begin practicing Functional Medicine
  • The use of ketogenic and fasting-mimicking diets to treat and prevent cancer
  • Why Functional Medicine looks at markers such as blood sugar and insulin levels, inflammation levels, toxic load, nutritional status, stress levels, and genetics to identify the underlying risk and cause of cancer
  • Using diet and supplementation to influencing gene expression
  • Why obesity is linked to estrogen-related cancers such as breast, uteran, and prostate
  • Environmental toxins and cancer
  • Dr. Boham’s Breast Wellness video “Tools to Prevent and Heal from Breast Cancer.” Stream the video online here or visit and use the code “breast30wellness” to receive 30% off your DVD purchase.
  • For more information visit

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Ep. 4 - The Functional Medicine Approach To Cancer and Cancer Recurrence with Dr. Elizabeth Boham