Creating Lasting Habits To Strengthen Immunity

Episode 459 33m


I don’t like to look at what I do as treating disease. I’d rather look at it as creating health. And we have a lot of power to do that ourselves, each and every day. This is something I especially like to remind people of as we continue through the pandemic—the right choices and habits can help us stay more resilient and healthy during what feels like an uncontrollable world health crisis. Today on The Doctor’s Farmacy, I recently sat down to talk to my good friend, Ken Cook, as part of EWG's CleanCon Conference. In this conversation, Ken interviews me about establishing better habits for human and planetary health. Ken Cook is the president and co-founder of the Environmental Working Group (EWG). Ken is widely recognized as one of the environmental community’s most prominent and influential critics of industrial agriculture and the nation’s broken approach to protecting families and children from toxic substances. Under Cook’s leadership, EWG has pioneered the use of digital technologies to empower American families with easy-to-use, science-driven tools to help reduce their exposure to potentially harmful ingredients in food, drinking water, cosmetics, and other household products. Throughout this talk, we cover so many aspects of how to support better health in our modern landscape. COVID-19 is top of mind for most of us, and Ken and I dive into some simple action items that can help us protect ourselves, like optimizing vitamin D levels and eating whole foods. America is only 5% of the world’s population but has 25% of the world’s COVID cases and deaths. Changing our toxic diet is one major step to point us in the right direction. In addition to what we eat, I also talk to Ken about the Love Diet. This is how I like to refer to the power of community and connection to drive positive behavior change. When we surround ourselves with people who share our values and goals and lift us up, we are more successful in creating the vibrant health we want. We talk about this and so much more. This episode is brought to you by Paleovalley, Athletic Greens, and Tushy. Paleovalley is offering 15% off your entire first order. Just go to to check out all their clean Paleo products and take advantage of this deal. Athletic Greens is offering my listeners 10 free travel packs of AG1 when you make your first purchase at Visit and enter code HYMAN to save 10% off any Hello TUSHY purchase site-wide, including the new TUSHY Ace.

Topics Covered

  • The connection between poor diet and Covid-19 outcomes

    (4:53 - 1:48)

  • Environmental toxins and the immune system

    (7:05 - 3:19)

  • My journey into understanding the power of nutrition and health

    (8:15 - 4:13)

  • My approach to working with patients to promote behavior change

    (12:29 - 8:46)

  • Improving your diet to improve your health

    (18:12 - 14:11)

  • Creating structure to support healthy habits and behavior change

    (20:30 - 16:50)

  • Understanding your body as one interconnected ecosystem

    (25:12 - 21:04)

  • Becoming Covid-resistant

    (29:18 - 24:04)

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Host & Guests


Automatically generated. Please forgive any typos or errors in the following transcript. It was generated by a third party and has not been subsequently reviewed by our team.

Speaker 1: Coming up on this episode of the Doctor's Pharmacy. Dr. Mark Hyman: And the other question is, what does your body need to thrive? It needs the right nutrients. It needs the right food. It needs the right balance of hormones. It needs sleep. It needs activity, exercise, sleep, restoration, movement, love, connection, meaning, purpose, all those are the ingredients for health. Dr. Mark Hyman: Welcome to a special episode of the Doctor's Pharmacy. I recently sat down and talked to my good friend, the president and co-founder of the Environmental Working Group, Ken cook, as part of their EWG's clean con conference. And in this conversation, Ken interviews me about establishing better habits for human and planetary health. Let's dive in. Ken Cook: Dr. Mark Hyman. How..

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Ep. 459 - Creating Lasting Habits To Strengthen Immunity