Is It Possible to Truly Heal From Trauma?

Episode 72 1h 9m
Topics Overview


Trauma comes in many forms, and it’s something we’re all going to face at one point or another. Though it might seem in the moment that we should push away negative feelings and pretend everything is fine, true healing can’t happen unless we open ourselves to our traumatic experiences and work through them. Despite what many of us in search of help have been told, this doesn’t necessarily need to involve years of therapy or countless medications—we already have tools existing within each of us to work through the emotional, mental, and physical effects of trauma and feel happier and healthier. I think you’ll be surprised just how accessible some of these solutions are. This week on The Doctor’s Farmacy, I’m joined by Dr. Jim Gordon to take a further look into healing trauma. He is one of the most extraordinary men I've ever met and I’ve been lucky to call him a friend for 20 years. Dr. Gordon is the author of The Transformation: Discovering Wholeness and Healing After Trauma and is a Harvard educated psychiatrist and a world-renowned expert in using mind-body medicine to heal depression, anxiety, and psychological trauma. He has worked with traumatized children and families in Bosnia, Gaza, Haiti, post-9/11 New York, and Parkland, among many other areas across the world facing tragedy and trauma. Dr. Gordon also works with veterans and active-duty military to address PTSD. This episode of The Doctor’s Farmacy is brought to you by Thrive Market. Thrive Market has made it so easy for me to stay healthy, even with my intense travel schedule. I never let myself get into a food emergency. Instead, I always carry enough food with me when I’m on the go, for at least a full day. I order real, whole foods online from Thrive Market. Right now, Thrive is offering all Doctor’s Farmacy listeners a great deal: you will receive an extra 25% off your first purchase plus a free 30-day membership to Thrive. There’s no minimum amount to buy and no code at checkout. All you have to do is head over to Learn more about Jim Gordon and the Center for Mind-Body medicine online at and Befriending our emotions is the key to getting unstuck. I promise you’ll appreciate Dr. Gordon’s upbeat and compassionate attitude towards healing and feel inspired to finally face your own fears. I hope you’ll tune in.

Topics Covered

  • How Jim came to do trauma work and how his perspective on that work developed

    (4:40 - 7:38)

  • The power of groups in healing trauma

    (9:19 - 12:17)

  • What is trauma and how it is different from PTSD

    (14:41 - 17:39)

  • Using soft-belly breathing and meditation as a tool for healing trauma

    (20:02 - 23:00)

  • Epigenetics and generationally transmitted trauma

    (23:50 - 26:48)

  • Two dangerous misconceptions about trauma

    (26:11 - 29:09)

  • Jim’s method for working with trauma

    (30:36 - 33:33)

  • The trauma healing diet

    (35:52 - 38:50)

  • Why we eat poorly to feel better and the most important foods, vitamins, and nutrients for healing trauma

    (44:02 - 47:00)

  • The importance of befriending our emotions

    (49:48 - 52:46)

  • Jim’s experience working in Haiti and in Parkland, Florida

    (55:10 - 58:08)

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Ep. 72 - Is It Possible to Truly Heal From Trauma?