Navigating Grief As A Doorway To Healing

Episode 789 1h 11m


Loss is something we all have to deal with. But few of us are taught how to heal from these difficult experiences—a divorce, an accident, a miscarriage, a cancer diagnosis, losing the love of your life, or the death of a loved one.

Today on The Doctor’s Farmacy, I talk with my good friend, Kris Carr, about some of the greatest lessons she has learned through her own grief, and how even the most difficult losses can reveal a roadmap to our next chapter of fully living.

A few years ago, Kris’ world was falling apart. Her father was dying, her business was struggling, and she was on the verge of reaching her 20-year milestone of living with an incurable stage IV cancer diagnosis. While sitting in a CVS parking lot, she broke down, finally allowing herself to feel the massive stress and sadness she had been suppressing. Kris and I talk about that moment and how it was a catalyst for her to begin to move through her grief.

If we don’t allow emotions like anger or grief to be felt, they can easily morph into anxiety, fear, and even depression. Today, more than 40 million people suffer from full-blown anxiety disorders in the United States alone. Living in this state of heightened alert, stress, and general emotional upheaval damages our bodies by perpetuating a prolonged stress response that weakens our immune system, messes with our hormones, fatigues our adrenals, and impacts our resilience. Kris and I discuss practical actions we can take to heal our most painful wounds and some healthy ways to channel our anger and grief.

Kris and I also talk about some of the most important life lessons her dad shared with her in his finals days. One that meant the most to her was, “Make your golden years now.” Time is the most precious gift we have, and we don’t know how long we’re going to get. We discuss how to slow down and give yourself more of the good stuff along the way.

In grief, we often focus on what or who is no longer there in front of us. We naturally notice the absence of the person we love. Kris shares some of the signs she has received from her dad since his passing and how we can look for signs from our loved ones who have passed on.

I hope you’ll tune in for this meaningful conversation.


This episode is brought to you by Rupa Health, , MitoPure, and Algae Cal. The Dr. Hyman Show works with a select group of sponsors to allow for ongoing production and allow it to be zero-cost to anyone who wishes to listen to and watch the podcast.

Topics Covered

  • The importance of getting curious about your emotions


  • The moment that Kris decided to learn about grief


  • My recent experience with loss and grief


  • Normalizing our experiences with grief


  • Embracing difficult emotions


  • Diseases of despair and how emotion manifests in the body


  • Prioritizing joy in the midst of loss and grief


  • Practical ways to navigate grief


  • Sharing our experiences with others


  • The message Kris received from her father after his death


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Resources Mentioned

Host & Guests


Automatically generated. Please forgive any typos or errors in the following transcript. It was generated by a third party and has not been subsequently reviewed by our team.

Introduction: Coming up on this episode of the Doctor's

Kris Carr: Pharmacy, we can't amputate any of our emotions and expect to be whole. And we live, we're domesticated in a grief, phobic, messy emotions averse society.

Dr. Mark Hyman: Welcome to the Doctor's Farmacy. I'm Dr. Mark Hyman, that's farmacy with an F. If you ever experienced loss or grief, I think you're going to love this podcast with one of my good friends, someone I deeply respect and admire, who's had many challenges in her own life, and I think is written an extraordinary book about it, which we're going to talk in great detail about today. Kris Carr. Kris is, I don't know where to start with Kris. She's a multiple..

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Ep. 789 - Navigating Grief As A Doorway To Healing