Raising Healthy Eaters

Episode 828 18m


When a child is provided real, whole foods unadulterated with sugar, poor quality fats, toxic additives, and food dyes, their body knows exactly what to eat and how much. They will eat just what their growing body needs when provided this high quality diet that their DNA evolved from.

What I have come to realize as a parent is that there is a great deal of letting go and going with the flow. I have also learned that, as a parent, what you eat, how you eat, and why you eat what you do is really important because our children are keen observers who absorb everything we do.

In today’s episode of my series I’m calling Health Bites, I share the top tips and wisdom I have gained from my experience as a doctor and dad for raising healthy eaters.


This episode is brought to you by Rupa Health, and FOND. The Dr. Hyman Show works with a select group of sponsors to allow for ongoing production and allow it to be zero-cost to anyone who wishes to listen to and watch the podcast.

Topics Covered

  • Teaching children to eat real food


  • Modeling healthy eating


  • Setting realistic boundaries about food choices and mealtimes


  • Involving your children in meal planning and preparation


  • Presenting and “disguising” healthy food


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Host & Guests


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Narrator: Coming up on this episode of the doctor's pharmacy. Dr. Mark Hyman: Kids who have family meals with their families are less prone to bad behavior, risky behavior like eating disorders, drug and alcohol abuse, obesity. They do better at school, have less a DD. Welcome to the Doctor's Pharmacy. I'm Dr. Mark Hyman. That's pharmacy and have a place for conversations that matter. And if you have kids and you worry about what to feed them or what they're going to eat or how to get them to eat the good stuff, you're going to like this little podcast part of our Help Bite series to make small steps in everyday life that make your help better in the long run. So I personally had two kids raised..

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Ep. 828 - Raising Healthy Eaters