Is Hormone Replacement Therapy in Menopause Helpful or Harmful

Sifting Through the Science for a Personalized Approach to Relieve Suffering and Improve Your Healthspan Episode 870 57m


An estimated 85% of women experience symptoms of menopause that vary from hot flashes to weight gain, brain fog, low mood, sex drive, chronic fatigue, and more. Recognizing menopause as a gradual, uniquely personal transition rather than an abrupt change is crucial. This insight can help empower women to take proactive, supportive measures early on, ensuring a smoother journey through this natural phase of life.

Today, Dr. Cindy Geyer from the UltraWellness Center joins me as we unravel the Functional Medicine perspective and approach to menopause. Our conversation highlights the crucial role of lab testing in uncovering the root causes of symptoms, paving the way for tailored nutrition and lifestyle interventions. Moreover, we critically examine the limitations of traditional medical approaches and discuss the nuances of hormone replacement therapy, the different forms, and who may benefit the most from this treatment.

Dr. Cindy Geyer received her Bachelor of Science and her Doctor of Medicine degrees, with honors, from the Ohio State University. She completed residency in internal medicine at Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester, N.Y. and is triple board certified in internal medicine, integrative medicine, and lifestyle medicine. She joined The Ultrawellness Center in 2021 after practicing and serving as the medical director at Canyon Ranch for 23 years.


This episode is brought to you by AG1, and FOND. The Dr. Hyman Show works with a select group of sponsors to allow for ongoing production and allow it to be zero-cost to anyone who wishes to listen to and watch the podcast.

Topics Covered

  • How the Nurse’s Health Study caused backlash about hormone replacement therapy


  • The issues with how menopause is treated in our society today


  • Symptoms of menopause and their root causes


  • The conventional medicine approach to menopause


  • The functional medicine approach to menopause


  • Lab testing


  • The importance of the Estrobolome and gut microbiome testing


  • The role of insulin, sleep, and stress


  • Dr Cindy Geyer’s patient case study


  • Bioidentical hormones explained


  • The nuances of hormone replacement therapy


  • Addressing low libido


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Resources Mentioned

Host & Guests


Automatically generated. Please forgive any typos or errors in the following transcript. It was generated by a third party and has not been subsequently reviewed by our team.

Dr. Mark Hyman:
Coming up on this episode of the Doctor's Farmacy, there

Dr. Cindy Geyer:
Are a whole lot of hormones in our bodies. It's not just estrogen and progesterone, which start to oscillate in the menopause transition, but all of those hormones are talking to each other.

Dr. Mark Hyman:
Well, welcome back to the doctor's Farmacy. Cindy, it's so good to have you back.

Dr. Cindy Geyer:
Thanks, mark. It's nice to be here.

Dr. Mark Hyman:
We were just chatting before and I realized we started working together in the late 1990s

Dr. Cindy Geyer:
That we go

Dr. Mark Hyman:
Way back. I'm thinking nineties was like 30 years ago almost...

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Ep. 870 - Is Hormone Replacement Therapy in Menopause Helpful or Harmful: Sifting Through the Science for a Personalized Approach to Relieve Suffering...