The Underlying Causes and Solutions for Women’s Hormonal Balances with Dr. Elizabeth Boham

Episode 6 31m


Hormone imbalances are epidemic these days. For example, symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), like mood swings, irritability, depression, anxiety, fluid retention, bloating, breast tenderness, sugar cravings, headaches, and sleep disturbances, affect 75 percent of women. But just because you’re a woman doesn’t mean you have to live with these symptoms. The real fact is that suffering related to menstrual cycles is unnecessary. You might never know this from conventional medicine, which seems to subscribe to the idea that women are destined to suffer throughout their reproductive life and beyond. However, there are actually many things you can do to fix hormonal imbalances. In this mini-episode, Dr. Hyman is joined by Dr. Elizabeth Boham to discuss the Functional Medicine approach to treating hormonal imbalances in women. Elizabeth Boham is a physician and nutritionist who practices functional medicine at The UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA. Through her practice and lecturing she has helped thousands of people achieve their goals of optimum health and wellness. She witnesses the power of nutrition every day in her practice and is committed to training other physicians to utilize nutrition in healing. Dr. Boham has contributed to many articles and wrote the latest chapter on Obesity for the Rankel Textbook of Family Medicine. She is part of the faculty of the Institute for Functional Medicine and has been featured on the Dr. Oz show and in a variety of publications and media including Huffington Post, The Chalkboard Magazine, and Experience Life. Her DVD Breast Wellness: Tools to Prevent and Heal from Breast Cancer explores the functional medicine approach to keeping your breasts and whole body well. In this episode, Dr. Hyman and Dr. Boham discuss:
  • The prevalence of hormonal imbalances in women
  • Using the birth control pill as medical therapy to address PMS, heavy bleeding, and other symptoms of hormonal imbalance
  • What happens during perimenopause
  • The interrelatedness of hormones and what causes them to be out of balance
  • The role of our adrenal glands and how to support them
  • The benefits of eating foods such as flax seeds, broccoli, and whole-food soy to support our hormonal health
  • Why maintaining balanced blood sugar is so important for hormonal health
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Dr. Elizabeth Boham: Even simple meditation, 15 minutes twice a day can cut back on, can significantly cut in half the amount of hot flashes a woman has. Dr. Mark Hyman: Hey, everybody. It's Dr. Mark Hyman. Welcome to a special episode of The Doctor's Farmacy. That's Farmacy with an F-A-R-M-A-C-Y, a place for conversations that matter. And if you've had any hormone issues, whether it's menstrual issues, or menopause, or perimenopause, or bad pap tests or anything, this is the podcast you should listen to. It's with my colleague and friend, and partner with the UltraWellness center, Dr. Elizabeth Boham, and she's joining us on today's special episode of House Call on The Doctor's Farmacy. And she's an incredible doctor, she's had struggles with herself with hormone issues, and..

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Ep. 6 - The Underlying Causes and Solutions for Women’s Hormonal Balances with Dr. Elizabeth Boham