Content Library Articles Join Me at Wellspring

Join Me at Wellspring

Join Me at Wellspring
When we talk about wellbeing, what we're really talking about is feeling good. Feeling good when we wake up, feeling good about our choices, feeling good about how we get to show up in our families, our workplaces, and in our communities. That's why there is such a natural synergy between my Feel Good mission and Wanderlust's new event, Wellspring, a 3-day summit this October in Palm Springs, CA. I'm honored to be curating a day of talks devoted to examining what makes us feel good across the eight elements of the Feel Good Wheel—the areas we focused on at my immersive event, the Feel Good Summit. The Feel Good at Wellspring stage will feature: And of course, I will be taking the stage myself to give an in-depth look at what constitutes wellbeing across the three Wellspring planks: personal, social, and societal wellness. From October 26-28, 2018, this summit will be the place to gather with the leading lights in the health and wellness world as they record podcasts, give keynotes, and re-define the meaning of wellness in our modern world. I hope to see you there. Wishing you health and happiness, Mark Hyman, MD
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