The Personalized Approach: A Conversation with Chris Kresser

We want the facts! We want an unbiased analysis of research and we want to know what works.

That is exactly why I had to interview my friend and colleague Chris Kresser, M.S., L.Ac for my original Fat Summit. He is a globally recognized leader in the fields of ancestral health, Paleo nutrition and Functional and Integrative Medicine. Chris in an investigator and pioneer in his field. In the first Fat Summit, Chris and I got the chance to talk about personalized medicine, cholesterol, Paleo diets, vegan diets and myths around heart disease and fat. You can read the transcript here.

I wanted to dig into the research and science around meat consumption, so I invited Chris back for our upcoming Fat Summit 2: Separating Even More Fat from Fiction. We recently talked about meat and ended up discussing into how science is often for sale and how we should read all studies with a grain of salt. We also had the chance to dig deeper into fat, heart health and much more. My new interviews with Chris and over 30 other experts will air during Fat Summit 2 - November 7 to 14.

Sign up here to receive free access to all the interviews – including Chris’. In the meantime, check out our first interview. Hope you enjoy it!

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