Learn To Meditate with zivaONLINE

Are real-life, day-to-day stressors getting in the way of making time for what is important to you?  I know that before I met Emily Fletcher, I had no clue just how true this was in my own life.

Juggling a private practice and a Functional Medicine Clinic at a major hospital, writing books, and managing countless other work obligations, along with important personal obligations, like fatherhood, I didn’t feel like I could add one more thing to my plate.

I was exercising, eating right and getting enough sleep, yet I had let my daily meditation practice fall by the wayside, allowing stress to take over – and the worst part is I didn’t even know it.

My dear friend, Emily Fletcher at zivaONLINE, helped rekindle my meditation fire and realize that by devoting time to my practice, I experience a profound supercharged difference. I felt happier, calmer, less anxious and more energized. Every aspect of my life has improved because of meditation.

Recently a few of my readers signed up for Emily’s program. This is what they had to say:

  • I was skeptical when I signed up for zivaONLINE because as a busy business owner and mother, I didn’t think I had the time to add something else to my chaotic life. But this online meditation program has been one of the best programs I’ve completed. My stress level has significantly decreased and I actually have EVEN MORE TIME every day for me. I can’t believe it. It has been a life changer. Emily makes meditation approachable, easy, desirable and attainable! Most of my friends who meditate are Buddhists and attend meditations at their local temples. I didn’t think I could do it without joining a temple (which is definitely on the bucket list). But now I meditate twice a day and it has changed my life. I can’t recommend it enough. Truly. I’ll never stop. I’m so grateful for this program and feel like it has changed my life in such a positive and rewarding way. Thank you, Emily.” -Lisa L.

  • “I saw an interview with Emily and Dr. Mark Hyman. I was meditating at the time, but it wasn’t working for me. I started classes in November 2016, and have been meditating twice a day since then. It’s helped me sleep better, even while getting off a strong prescription drug. Thank you, Emily!” -Eileen C.
  • I am happily addicted to my meditation already. I am just amazed. Yesterday for my second meditation, I managed to have 10 minutes of restoring peace commuting back home in a very busy and noisy train ride. I have learned to ease into any situation. I am eternally thankful to you Emily and also Dr. Hyman who has been a mentor. I used to nap in the afternoon because I was feeling so tired. Since I started meditating twice a day, I don’t feel I need the nap any longer and I have more energy. Thank you and Thank you!” -Helia A.

Emily created zivaONLINE, the world’s first online meditation training program available to anyone, even those with the BUSIEST of schedules. In only eight days, you’ll graduate with a meditation practice you can do anywhere, anytime. And, she is offering my readers a special discounted rate of $50 off their normal price!

Over time, zivaONLINE makes life brighter and clearer. You start functioning better and enjoying more because your body doesn’t have to work so hard to handle the stress. Once you graduate, you will have a practice with a mantra that you can employ every day, culminating in a 15-minute, twice a day practice.

You’ll quickly discover that once you calm your mind, it is much easier to make smarter choices about food and exercise. Your relationships get better. Literally everything in your life improves.

Above you’ll see some of my favorite snippets from Emily’s interview. If you would like to watch the original video in its entirety, click here.

And if you’re curious about learning more before you commit, we have a FREE online master class called “The Stress Solution: 3 Ways to Manage Anxiety (So it Doesn’t Manage You)” You can learn more here.

You’ll quickly discover that once you calm your mind, it is much easier to make smarter choices about food and exercise. Your relationships get better. Literally everything in your life improves.

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