Content Library Articles The Air Filter I Recommend

The Air Filter I Recommend

[su_button url="" target="blank" style="flat" background="#e75a3b" size="8" center="yes" radius="0" title="JOrder Air Doctor"]ORDER AIR DOCTOR[/su_button] Last year I discovered a huge problem in my house - toxic mold! Not only did I have to gut my house to get rid of this stuff, but it was actually making me sick. The entire process of dealing with this mold really got me thinking about air toxicity and the precautions I needed to take to protect myself and my family from different pollutants. A report from the American Lung Association, with help from the Environmental Protection Agency, identified air toxicity as one of the top five most urgent environmental risks to public health. According to the EPA in 1985, indoor air quality can be up to 500 times more polluted than outdoor air. Your home is like a Ziploc bag containing airborne pollutants that can’t escape. When you breathe polluted air, you introduce toxins into every cell of your body. The air circulates throughout your entire body, impacting internal organs, including the heart, lungs, kidneys and liver. Where do these pollutants come from? I mentioned mold in my personal story, but that’s not the only source of pollutants in your home. Within your home, your air can be contaminated by: [su_row][su_column size="1/2" center="no" class=""]
  • Cleaning products
  • Air fresheners
  • Perfumes and deodorants with synthetic fragrances and other chemical compounds
  • Gas stoves, ovens and dryers
  • Candles and fireplacesBurnt food
  • Cooking on non-stick cookware
  • Pet dander
[/su_column][su_column size="1/2" center="no" class=""]
  • Insect control chemicals
  • Tobacco products
  • Termites, cockroaches and dust mites and their droppings
  • Chemicals found in building materials such as asbestos, formaldehyde and lead
  • Outgassing of toxic volatile organic chemicals from house paint, carpets and furniture
  • Bacteria and viruses
[/su_column][/su_row] [su_button url="" target="blank" style="flat" background="#e75a3b" size="8" center="yes" radius="0" title="JOrder Air Doctor"]ORDER AIR DOCTOR[/su_button] The most common external sources include pollen, dust and pollutants that come in through ventilation systems and through open doors and windows. But that’s just the beginning. Many homes are contaminated with radon, which can come through cracks in basements and crawl spaces. Pesticides can also be brought into the home on clothing and shoes, further contaminating the air inside the home. Most people aren’t aware of the potential dangers and have no idea how to improve it. In fact, most people don’t even realize that many of their symptoms – like difficulty breathing, wheezing, sleep troubles and irritability – can be caused by air pollutants. What’s more, until now there hasn’t been an effective and affordable solution to get rid of these pollutants. Purifying Your Air Sadly, most indoor air purifiers are incapable of protecting you and your family from the harmful effects of all the dangerous toxins in your home because they… 1) Don’t have the capacity for large, multiple room homes 2) Remove only a small percentage of the dangerous particles from your air 3) Are completely incapable of removing toxic gases from your air This is why I was excited to learn about the AIR Doctor Pro air purifier. The folks at AIR Doctor Pro spent two years and over $1 million in research to create a new revolutionary air purifier. AIR Doctor Pro is the first affordable air purifier that removes nearly 100 percent of particle pollution along with the vast majority of toxic ozone and volatile organic compounds. My team has been using this air filter and have reported amazing benefits, such as a more restful night’s sleep and easier breathing. Right now, AIR Doctor Pro is offering $280 off of their air purifier to my community. The regular price is $649, and their team is offering it to you for $349 while supplies lasts. Your home is where you eat, sleep and relax; and it’s where your kids play - so be sure to protect your family from air toxicity. Check out AIR Doctor Pro today. To learn more about AIR Doctor Pro and this offer, click here. [su_button url="" target="blank" style="flat" background="#e75a3b" size="8" center="yes" radius="0" title="JOrder Air Doctor"]ORDER AIR DOCTOR[/su_button]
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