My Daily Gratitude Routine
- Write it down. Researchers find a gratitude journal can improve overall well-being and improve conditions like depression. I find pen and paper makes the best way to offer gratitude, though you might choose a gratitude app on your phone. You can do this first thing in the morning to set the day’s tone or before bed as a way to reflect on the good things that are happening in your life. I keep a nice journal by my bed and reflect on what I’m grateful for before bedtime. It calms me down and helps me sleep better.
- Reach out and thank someone. We all have people who in some way made our lives better. Make a phone call or write a letter and let that person know how much they mean to you. It will make both your days better.
- Give. Studies show altruistic people have greater well-being, health, and longevity. You don’t need to give a physical gift to get those feel-good benefits. Support your favorite charity. Volunteer at one of your favorite organizations. Even helping a neighbor or loved one with something simple like grocery shopping can boost your happiness and theirs.
- Before meals. It takes 20 minutes for your brain to register that your stomach is full. The practice of slow, mindful eating—really being aware of and enjoying your meals—s a powerful way to better enjoy your food, lose weight, improve your metabolism, and cultivate gratitude.
- “Take Five.” I use this simple practice before a meal or any time I’m feeling stressed out. This simple one-minute technique will lower your stress hormones and help you better metabolize your food. Take 5 breaths in through your nose and breathe out through your mouth. Slowly count to 5 on each in-breath and again on each out-breath.