Content Library Articles Dr. Hyman Talks About Functional Medicine on The Dr. Oz Show

Dr. Hyman Talks About Functional Medicine on The Dr. Oz Show

Dr. Hyman Talks About Functional Medicine on The Dr. Oz Show
Functional medicine has finally started to move into the main stream! Recently, on The Dr. Oz Show, myself and four of my colleagues joined with Dr. Oz to talk about what functional medicine is, why it's a critically important development in medical science, and how it promises to revolutionize medicine. It was an exciting show and I'm pleased to share link to it. Here is are links to the full show: Here I would like to provide you links to several articles I have written on functional medicine as well as the opportunity to download a special report that will teach you how to use the principles of functional medicine to give yourself a biological tune up. Get a Biological Tune Up! The real promise of functional medicine is to give you the power to take back your health. It's a disruptive technology designed to democratize health information. The age of the medical expert and the specialist is coming to an end. As we learn more about how everything is connected, it's clear that looking at the underlying patterns of disease is the wave of the future--it's the way all future chronic illness will be treated. Learn More about Functional Medicine Here are a few articles that will give you a deeper insight into what functional medicine is: Articles and Videos Articles for Medical Professionals Please leave your thoughts by adding a comment below – but remember, we can’t offer personal medical advice online, so be sure to limit your comments to those about taking back our health! To your good health, Mark Hyman, MD
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