Content Library Articles Rekindled exercise

Rekindled exercise

Rekindled exercise

Back in the day, I lettered in track and cross country. I also pole vaulted. I was district champion and was in the best shape of my life. That was many years ago. Then, I graduated from high school and a couple years later started a family and went to work full time to support my family.

I found there wasn't a lot of time to exercise and honestly, I didn't make time to run anymore. Even though I have always had a job that was active and entailed physical work, I didn't often work out by getting my heart rate up. I quickly turned into a couch potato in the evenings because I was tired from my physical activity during the day.

When we started this health journey I knew I needed to lead the family in exercising. I downloaded an app, Couch to 5K (bonus - it is free!). I started using the app and running on my treadmill. I love the energy I have since I started this routine!

Since starting exercising, my kids also started getting on the treadmill and began their own 5K training. Our treadmill went from being a clothes hanger to a useful piece of exercise equipment. My goal for our family is to join the YMCA and to continue leading my family in getting healthier by exercising. My personal goal is to run a 5K, and my dream is that we will all run a 5K together one day. I think we are all on our way, step-by-step, day-by-day, running this journey and bringing healthy back.

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