Content Library Articles A Surprise Visit I Will Never Forget!

A Surprise Visit I Will Never Forget!

We were so excited for today! Today is the day the film crew comes to visit for the second taping of The Dr. Oz Show. We have been so excited to show off our progress! Here is how it went:

As the vans and cars filled with cameras and booms arrived, there was so much excitement! Then a fancy car arrived, with dark tinted windows and a driver. We had no clue who this could be!

The field producer came in and said she has a surprise for us. She firmly told us to stay put in the living room and not to look out of the windows. At this point, most of us were more nervous than excited. Was it a trainer? Was it Dr. Hyman? Was it Dr. Oz?

Then the knock at the door came and in walked Dr. Hyman! ARE YOU KIDDING?! IS THIS A DREAM?? Dr. Hyman is standing in my living room!

We had such fun that day. Dr. Hyman is the sweetest, most compassionate person I have ever met. Why? He is the type of person who told my mom that she was doing fantastic at her weight loss and gave her the encouragement she needed so she could continue on her journey. He inspired her to exercise even though she is having pain in her foot daily. He gave her encouragement to push through even during her lowest moments of doubt.

He taught us so much that day - about smoothies, about exercise, and about the detox in general. We loved having him in our home.

We valued the motivation and praise he gave us for our weight loss. In fact he told us that collectively, we had lost a whole person, over 100 pounds! We have completely changed our lifestyle to include no soda, dairy, gluten, or sugar. I have not felt this fantastic EVER.

Dr Hyman not only gave us exercise tips like using our 5 acres for interval training instead of just using the treadmill (which can get boring), but also told us to not be afraid of the healthy fats like coconut butter and almond butter. We have always been scared of those! We even use spinach in our smoothies now, which is very yummy!

A big thanks to Dr Hyman and his wonderful team for taking the time out to visit and help us through this journey. We won't let you down!

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