Content Library Articles Why don't they teach nutrition in medical school?

Why don't they teach nutrition in medical school?

Why don't they teach nutrition in medical school?

When I was in medical school, I learned very little about nutrition. Sadly, this is the case for most doctors.

The desire among physicians to understand the way that food interacts with our biology is growing because more physicians face limitations of drugs and surgery when it comes to treating lifestyle-related diseases that cause the most suffering today. Most chronic diseases (heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer, dementia, autoimmune disease, and more) are caused by food, and can be prevented, treated, and often reversed by food. To say it is an important part or our health is an understatement.

Understanding nutrition will help us break free of the idea that personal responsibility and willpower are the only way to get fit, healthy, and thin. When your brain is hooked on junk food, willpower and personal responsibility don’t stand a chance. But there is a way to break the cycle with real whole food.

I got a chance to sit down with my friend and colleague Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian to talk about the importance of nutrition for this week’s episode of The Doctor’s Farmacy. Dr. Mozaffarian is a nutrition scientist and a cardiologist, and when it comes policy around nutrition, I turn to his expertise.

This week we make a case of studying nutrition in medical school and we talk about policy as a way to help Americans have better access to healthier foods. We also talk about the effects of food on our biology—the good, the bad, and the ugly.

If you haven’t gotten a chance to check out this week’s episode, click here.

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