Content Library Recipes My birthday!

My birthday!

12 servings

This time of year brings a lot of celebrations in our family. Between all the normal holidays, most of us have birthdays. For me, this year was a milestone birthday; I was going to be 25! For me, celebrations were about family, fun, and food. Our family parties were always about eating an awesome dinner and having sugary cake. I had a lot planned for my birthday this year; none of which was revolving around food.

My best friend planned a super fun girl’s weekend and I was so excited to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and relax! The day started off with a pedicure and shopping. We ended up going to out to lunch and I chose grilled fajitas with no cheese or tortillas. Yay for me! This weekend was going to turn out great for my detox diet!

We checked into the hotel and started to get ready for the next adventure, a dinner theater! I previously looked up the menu online and had a food plan. The dinner theater was set in Chicago in the early 40s complete with mobsters and flapper girls. We had an awesome table that was a perfect view of the stage. Our waiter came and took our drink orders. Initially, I ordered water with lemon. I thought, no big deal, I can handle this! After all, I made it through a wedding and a concert. I feel empowered and strong enough to handle this. After receiving our drinks, we got our plates for the buffet. My plan was for London broil, steamed veggies, and salad. I turned the corner of the buffet; OH MY GOSH. I have never seen such a lovely array of starches, pizzas, and pastas - I was in awe.

Immediately I lost it. I had everything I wasn’t supposed to have. Pasta with alfredo sauce, pizza, fries, nuggets, bread, stuffing, and nachos. Yes, I had a few veggies and some turkey, but mostly, I had a toxic plate. I sat back down and started to eat. I ate every single thing on my plate. I felt defeated and guilty. What was I thinking? I had lost 25 pounds! I was going to gain it all back. As soon as I was done (and overstuffed), I e-mailed my lifesaver, Lizzy, to tell her what I had just done. I wanted to cry and I did, during intermission. After the show, and back at the hotel, I noticed I received a reply from Lizzy. She gave me encouraging words and told me it would be okay. I already felt the food coma coming on. I was tired, sluggish, and felt disgusting.

The next morning, before my feet hit the nice hotel floor, I decided something. Today was a new day, and I was going to do better. We were going to a local theme park that happened to be one of my favorites. I couldn’t wait to see the animals and shows. I packed snacks so I didn’t have to be tempted; olives and cashews. I was drinking water. I was prepared to have a good day with good food choices. Overall, the theme park day was awesome and I did great. I ate the right things and drank only water.

The weekend as a whole was spectacular, except for my buffet mistake. I have come to realize, that I shouldn’t beat myself up over a mistake. Things happen. I learned my lesson and I never want to feel that food coma ever again.

Fast forward a few days, to my actual birthday, October 13. My husband made chicken quarters for the family complete with squash and zucchini. We sat down as a family and ate a good meal and talked. It was fun. My mother-in-law came over for dinner and dessert - my mom made a delicious berry cobbler, 10-day detox diet approved!  (See below for the recipe.)

My birthday (and weekend) was completely fantastic and fun! I am learning to enjoy holidays and birthdays without my focus being on food! Just remember, one mistake doesn’t mean you need to give up. You should always get back on the wagon (or carriage, bicycle, etc.), and try again.

Brigitte’s Berry Cobbler

My birthday! Easy Healthy Recipe


  • 4 cups frozen berries, thawed
  • 3 cups almond flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 2 omega-3 eggs
  • 1 tablespoon PURE vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • 1teaspoon ground cinnamon


Step 1

Preheat oven to 350°F.

Step 2

Place the berries in the bottom of 9”x13” baking dish.

Step 3

Add all the remaining ingredients to a medium bowl, and mix to combine. Pour the mixture over berries in the baking dish.

Step 4

Place the baking dish into the oven and bake for 40 minutes.

Nutritional Information

Nutritional Analysis per Serving (3/4 cup):: Calories: 200, Fat: 14 g, Saturated Fat: 1 g, Cholesterol: 29 mg, Fiber: 75g, Protein: 17 g, Carbohydrates: 12 g, Sodium: 33 mg

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