Content Library Recipes Skinny Chicken Florentino

Skinny Chicken Florentino

4 servings

After what seemed like a busy winter, summer has taken on a completely different rhythm. A little lazier than most of my past summers, I am enjoying the change, savoring the mornings that include absolutely nothing in the way of agendas for the day. I get up early, do a morning walk, take in a few sunrises and spend only a few minutes thinking about what I might want to make for lunch or dinner and at least twice I’ve sat by the river and watched a few boats hustle by. I am enjoying the beat of life I forget to listen to when making a living summons me to get moving. It’s a slow beat with a jazzy feel. Throw in a little heat and you can hear how my summer is playing out for 2012. I’m waiting for a change to come. I know it’s coming but I don’t know what it is. Ever have the feeling in life that is similar to waiting on someone at a nice restaurant in a corner table out on the patio with a view. A busy hum of activity is happening all around you but while you’re sitting there sipping on a cool delightful drink you almost hope that person lingers a bit before arriving because the ambiance of social graces are playing out right before your eyes and it’s a clever show that needs no sound or chatter to distract you from your imaginations of what is happening. If so, you know where I am right now. Although I don’t think change is necessarily a storm, this is my calm or observations before the change (storm). I’m learning to enjoy every season as it provides a memory bank to draw from when everything gets hectic. And so I watch and I listen and I create the words to my story because the lull is soon to fade and the beat hasten. Then it’s time to dance!

This recipe excites me simply because I decided to expound a little further on last week’s recipe Chicken Florentine. It was a glorious example of comfort food to the max but as with most comfortable foods there is that downside–i.e. fat. To my surprise, I managed to eliminate the pasta and the cream but still hold on to the integrity of fabulous flavor. Another great addition to my “light and tight” series of recipes that is good for the soul–comforting as well as healthy, I give you Skinny Chicken Florentino.

Skinny Chicken Florentino Easy Healthy Recipe


  • 1 Lb Chicken Breasts sliced in bite size pieces
  • Onion and garlic powder to season the chicken
  • 1 Tbsp Butter
  • 4 Tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 5 Cloves garlic chopped
  • 1/2 Cup Small Onion chopped
  • 2 Cups baby spinach
  • 6 Oz 1 percent milk
  • 1/2 Cup grated parmesan cheese
  • 1 Cup cherry tomatoes
  • 1/2 Tsp salt
  • 1 Cup bib lettuce leaves
  • juice of 1/2 lemon
  • fresh basil leaves chpped for garnish


Step 1

In a large skillet drizzle over med high heat the olive oil and saute the onions for 1 minute. Season the chicken with onion and garlic powder. Add that to the onions and saute til partly cooked.

Step 2

Add the garlic and butter and the tomatoes. When the chicken is cooked completely--about 5 minutes add the milk, cheese and top with the spinach. Cover with a lid.

Step 3

Wait a minute and mix thoroughly. Pour this mixture over a bed of lettuce. Squeeze the lemon over this and top with parmesan cheese shavings and chopped basil.

Nutritional Information

Nutritional analysis per serving:

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